
Procuratorial Organs Provide Assistance, Legal Protection to Minors

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Procuratorial Organs Provide Assistance, Legal Protection to Minors

 July 10, 2023

To strengthen legal protection of minors, the Supreme People's Procuratorate on June 1 released the White Paper on Procuratorial Work of Minors (2022). 

The white paper outlines the achievements of prosecutorial organs (in some regions in China) in handling cases involving juvenile offences, and in providing legal assistance to minors involved in such cases. 

Although the number of cases involving infringements of minors' rights is declining, the number of cases involving sexual assaults on children is rising, indicates the white paper. 

The document notes China has established 2,053 centers (in various regions of the country), and those facilities provide "one-stop" legal services and aid to children who are victims of domestic violence, sexual abuse and/or other crimes. That helps prevent the children from suffering further harm while being asked repeatedly about the cases. 

The white paper also indicates prosecutorial organs (across China) provided legal assistance to a combined 17,000 minors (in need) last year. 

In addition, the white paper notes the organs have offered guidance to parents (or guardians), to help them improve their family education, so their children can grow up healthily. The organs have also urged parents (or guardians) to fulfill their duties of guardianship.


(Women of China English Monthly July 2023 issue)


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